Forever Young

While working as Artistic Director of Clonmel Junction Arts Festival, David initiated a conversation between award winning Australian theatre makers one step at a time like this and a group of Clonmel teenagers that had participated in the festival’s youth trainee programme and had set themselves up as the junction joes.

What emerged, after almost three years was a unique theatre experience called forever young. The show, which was performed at Junction Festival and later as part of the Traverse Theatre’s Edinburgh Fringe programme in 2015, invited the ticket holder to take a solo journey through the streets of the town guided by the teenagers, to reconnect with their teenage self.


PRESS REVIEWS of ‘forever young’


The Scotsman review Joyce McMillan [★★★★]

There’s something about this rich encounter with new people, in a familiar landscape madestrange and beautiful by their presence and perspective.


The Guardian review by Lyn Gardner : [★★★]

This show may lead you through the streets but it’s also a journey into the self, and there are some fascinating moments when the spectacle of the city and the spectacle of yourself meet and spark in interesting ways.


Herald Scotland review by Neil Cooper: [★★★★]

With our teenage guides on the cusp of going out into the big bad world themselves, under the guidance of directors Julian Rickart and Suzanne Kerston, every moment in this show is a two-way set of epiphanies, either in the moment for then, or half-remembered for an audience who's been holding onto those moments for decades. As far as restoring one's faith in an eternally questioning younger generation goes, this is a joy.